Early Bird Entry Fee: $45 (until May 1)

Entry Fee: $55 (until June 1)

Late Entry Fee: $70 (after June 1)

*price includes green fee

Registration Deadline: June 18

Event Schedule:

Check in: 4:30 p.m. 

Start time: 5:00 p.m. 

*Subject to Change


Athletes must meet at least one of the following criteria

  • A full-time resident of MA, ME, NH, VT, RI, or NY
  • A full-time student of a Massachusetts academic institution

  • Youth (Age 12-17)
  • Women (Age 18+)
  • Men (Age 18-45)
  • Seniors Men (Age 46+)

Ages as of December 31, 2022

  • There is a strict no soccer cleat policy to protect the greens.
  • Athletes must provide their own size 5 soccer ball which is easy to identify.
  • No golf carts, players must walk course.
  • Wear appropriate clothing- golf attire is preferred.
  • Kick off your ball from a position behind the tee markers.
  • The ball must be played in a single movement. You are not allowed to push the ball with the top or bottom of your foot. Your foot should be set separate from the ball, clearly behind, before each kick.
  • Wait to play until the ball has completely come to rest. It is not legal to stop the ball from rolling with the wind.
  • Play the ball from where it lies: You are not allowed to move the ball or remove jammed objects. Exception: You may mark the spot and lift the ball when it may obstruct the other player's kick or ball in any way.
  • If the ball lands in a water hazard, retrieve or replace it within two steps from the closest land point from where the ball entered the hazard, receiving one stroke penalty or you can place the ball at the position of the previous kick and receive one stroke penalty.
  • The player furthest from the hole is the first to kick the ball.
  • Foursomes will tee off every 8 minutes
  • The order of play is established based on the score of the previous hole. The player with the best score will kick off first on the next hole followed by the second, etc.
  • Complete rules available from

  • The top three athletes in each event will receive the appropriate Bay State Games medal 
  • All athletes who receive a medal will receive an athlete award gift
  • Competition is open to athletes from MA, NH, VT, ME, RI, and NY
  • All medalist will receive invitation to the AFGL National Qualifier at the 2024 State Games of America

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