Entry Fee:

First Event: $50

Second Event: $30

Third Event: $30

*Both players of a double and mixed doubles pair have to register and pay the entry fee separately

Registration Deadline: June 27

Withdrawal Deadline: July 4


An athlete must meet one of the following criteria:

  • A full-time resident of Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, New Hampshire, or Rhode Island
  • A full-time student at a recognized academic institution in Massachusetts
  • A registered member of a badminton club in Massachusetts
  • If this is the only criteria an athlete meets to be eligible, he/she cannot also be a member of a non-Massachusetts badminton club

  • U 11*- Under 11 as of 12/31/2024
  • U13*- Under 13 as of 12/31/2024
  • U16*- Under 16 as of 12/31/2024 or not yet in HS

*Juniors who won medals in USAB tournaments should play up one level. Those who won medals in U15 USAB tournaments should play in Open Divisions

  • Open A - Advanced
  • Open B/C - Intermediate 
  • Open D/E - Beginner 
  • Female Masters - 45 and over
  • Male Masters - 50 and over

Divisions for high school students ONLY:

  • HS Boys Singles
  • HS Girls Singles
  • HS Boys Doubles
  • HS Girls Doubles
  • HS Mixed Doubles

Minimum age for all divisions is age 8 as of December 31, 2025

B/C and D/E Division Format

When there are more than 10 entries in Division B or D, the B/C and D/E dropdown format will be used. The first match of the day will determine the bracket you play in for the remainder of the competition. Winners of the first match will play in the upper bracket (B or D), the losers of the first match will play in the lower bracket (C or E) for the remainder of the competition. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in the B, C, D, and E brackets.

Consolation Awards

Consolation round winners of Men's A and junior events will be awarded only if the event has more than 10 entries.

Schedule (TENTATIVE)

Juniors U11, U13, U15 and High School Boys and Girls Singles: - TBA

MS - B/C and MS - D/E: - TBA

All other singles events and all XD / Junior BD and GD: - TBA

Mens and Womens Doubles: - TBA

  • The Tournament Director reserves the right to combine/cancel divisions based on entries. 
  • Tournament director reserves the right to change a players division if he/she determines that a specific player’s experience/skill warrants.
  • All players can enter a maximum of three events (one single event, one doubles event, one mixed doubles event). Athletes WILL NOT be allowed to enter two of any one event (singles, doubles, mixed doubles). This rule will be strictly enforced.
  • The tournament will be formatted so all players have at least two matches per event.
  • All matches will be best of three games to 21 points with rally-point scoring.
  • A player not ready to play within ten minutes after match is called may be defaulted.

Refund policy: Bay State Games does not offer cash refunds. Athletes will receive a deferral certificate good for

participation in a future Bay State Games competition.

2026 State Games of America

The 2025 Bay State Games Badminton competition serves as a qualifier for the 2026 State Games of America. All medalists (gold, silver, and bronze) in this event will qualify for the 2026 State Games of America in State College, PA.

The 2026 State Games of America will be hosted by the Keystone State Games and Happy Valley Sports & Entertainment Alliance.


For more information, click here.

Meet Directors 
Yvonne Chern and Nachiappan Chockalingam
Email Yvonne          Email Nachi
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